I had to share my easiest dessert recipe to date! Well, it's not really mine, you've probably been looking at it your whole life, like I have, and never saw it. Or, maybe you did, but don't steal my thunder, mmmk?
Let me introduce you to.....
Chocolate Pie
Yeah, I know. Photography is something I still have to learn. |
Pour it into a ready made pie crust
Let it sit for 3 hours in the refridgerator to let it set and then,
Top with whipped topping
I know, not fancy, but quick, easy, and I'll definetly be keeping this recipe on hand for those moments when you're invited to a BBQ or dinner and aren't sure what to bring so you call the hostess and politely ask, "What can I bring?" {although you're really thinking, don't ask me to bring anything because I'm busy, I'm just trying to be polite} to which she responds, "Sure, just bring a dessert."
So, family and friends, just know, from now on, you will be getting easy peasy chocolate pudding pie!
So this whole pie thing got me thinking about upcoming BBQ's and what I'm going to bring. Memorial Day BBQ's are the best. This year, I want to be prepared to bring a great dessert to the BBQ, so I'm showing you the best of what I've found.

Hmmmm.....decisions, decisions.
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