First you need to learn the difference between coupons. There are two kinds of coupons that us coupon crazies like to talk about.
1. Manufacture Coupons {MQ}
These coupons can be found in your newspaper, on the internet and at your local grocery store. MQ are coupons that are issued by the company who makes the product. The store collects the coupons and then mails them back to the manufacturer for reimbursement.
2. Store Coupons
Store coupons are coupons that are issued by a specific store and can only be redeemed at that store that issues the coupon. Many people are not aware that their favorite stores have coupons right on their websites. My favorites are:
The easiest place to get MQ is from the weekend newspaper insert. They are usually in the Sunday paper, depending on your location. There are four types of MQ that come in the newspaper; Red Plum {RP}, Smart Source {SS}, Proctor & Gamble {P&G}, and General Mills {GM}.
If you don't get the paper, you can ask friends, family, and neighbors who may not be using their coupons to give them to you {even if you do get the paper, ask people to save them for you}. You can also find the Sunday newspaper at many Dollar Tree stores. And yes, they sell the paper for $1. You can also check out Discounted Newspapers at their website, They list current deals running for the newspaper you are looking for.
You can also get lots of good MQ from online places such as or (you can load these on to your Kroger card) that allow you to print off coupons you would like.
So at this point, I can only imagine what you're thinking. Maybe something like, "Blah, blah, blah, get to the part where I get free stuff."
The reason you needed to know about that stuff is because stores like Target, Kroger, Meijer, etc. let you use one MQ and one store coupon per item. We call it stacking. Here's an example of what stacking gets you.
At Christmas time I found this Leapfrog Tag Jr. reader with book on clearance for $19.98 at Target.

Great deal, since it's currently at Amazon for $33.95. However, I had a MQ from Leapfrog for $5 off, and there was also a coupon from Target for $5 off a Leapfrog Tag reading system. So that brought the final price to $9.98!! That's more than 70% off the original price and 50% off the clearance price.
Exciting stuff, huh?
So now, I'm sure you're thinking that it sounds like a lot of work. You're wrong!
I don't clip coupons! I have too much to do. I'll show you tomorrow how I let others do the work for me......stay tuned!
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