As a teacher, friends and family ask what I think is a good teacher appreciation gift every year.
So I tried to make it easy for them, and everyone else who's interested.
First off, if you follow these three simple rules, you probably have found a good decent gift, however, if you still need a little more inspiration I have listed my favorite finds below.
Rules for Teacher Appreciation Gifts:
#1 DO NOT buy anything, and I mean anything
{did you hear me, I said anything}
with the following words:
#1 teacher
Best Teacher or
World's Best Teacher,
or any other variant of that saying!
Yes, I'll keep it out on my desk for the rest of the school year
{taking up much needed room on my desk},
but it's going in the garbage as soon as your kid is out of my class!
Why? Same reason you don't wear your #1 mom shirt.
#2 DO NOT decide you're going to be thoughtful and bring me in homemade treats.
{Yes, I'm also talking to the PTA moms who do this on a school-wide basis and serve it for us in the teacher's lounge. We WILL try to avoid the lounge that day.}
Why? Because as soon as I look at that yummy dessert, I get a mental image of your child picking his nose earlier this morning and can't help but think that you also thought it was cute to let Johnny help you make that yummy dessert last night. Also, you seem very nice and all, but I've never stepped foot in your house and don't know if you're all that clean. Your child is the only representation I see of your home, and well, frankly, I'm not going there. To be fair though, I'm sure my kid's teachers feel the same way, so I just stick to store bought treats. So remember, you bring in something homemade, it will find a nice place in my garbage can at the end of the day.
{But sometimes I give it to the custodian who pissed me off last week.}
#3 Repeat this mantra over and over and over again until it sticks,
"Gift certificates are good gifts. Gift certificates are good gifts. Gift certificates are good gifts.
Gift certificates are good gifts. Gift certificates are good gifts."
No, I will not think that you are being cheap or unthoughtful in any way. In fact we BRAG to our co-workers when we get gift certificates! I'm being for real. Doesn't matter to where either!
Still need ideas??
Ten *Awesome* Teacher Appreciation Gifts that your teacher will LOVE!
10. Personalized lunch bag
9. Personalized water bottle
8. Note Cards or Memo Pad
7. Personalized clipboard
{Hmmm, I see a trend.}
6. Cute lanyard/ badge holder
5. Custom hand sanitizer bottle
4. Book plates
2. Fun Office accessories

I {heart} Sharpies!
1. Gift Certificates

Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Book Stores and Teacher Stores are our favorites.
And of course, no matter what, even if you have nothing you can give but a note of thanks,
those are the gifts we treasure most in our hearts.
{ and keep us from quiting on bad days}